i cant stand NOT to blog bout these news...read..

Fifteen-year-old Lai Thi Dao of Vietnam has lived with a huge growth on her face for 10 years.The tumor started out as little more than a cyst on Lai Thi Dao's tongue when she was three years old. At that stage, surgery to remove the growth would have been quick, cheap and relatively painless. But Dao had little access to medical care where she lived, and the tumor went untreated.
By the time Lai was 15, the tumor had slowly consumed the lower half of her face and accounted for roughly one-third of her body weight. As it grew, normal tasks such as talking, eating, drinking and sleeping became increasingly difficult.
Doctors at the University of Miami/Jackson told the Miami Herald that the Schwannoma tumor was one of the largest ever reported, but it probably won't return now that it has been removed.
"We're happy to report that yesterday's surgery to remove the extremely large tumor from Lai's face was successful, as we were able to remove the entire tumor," Dr. Jesus Gomez and Dr. Robert Marx of the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Medical Center reported in an official statement Wednesday.
"Lai responded very well to surgery, and the outcome is better than expected. We are very optimistic and look forward to sharing more news on her progress as she recovers," they added.
The surgeons also took on the considerable task of realigning Dao's jaw and reconstructing the bone and soft tissues that have been distorted by the massive growth. Marx says the techniques they plan to use will allow them to hide and minimize scars, allowing for a better appearance along with better function.
"We expect her to look better, speak better, swallow better and, by extension, eat better," he says.
The price tag of the medical care is estimated to be $107,000. While The Holtz's Children's Hospital at Jackson Memorial Medical Center offered to perform the surgery at a charitable rate, The International Kids Fund — the program that arranged for Dao's procedure — is still looking for generous donors to cover the cost.

Fifteen-year-old Jyoti Amge of Nagpur, India, is the "world's smallest girl," according to the Indian Book of Records. She was born Dec. 16, 1993, and now measures just 1 foot, 11 inches tall, and weighs 11 pounds. Doctors say that it is unlikely that she will grow any taller than her current height.
Mini muscleman Romeo Dev poses with his trainer Ranjeet Pal. Dev is regarded as the world's smallest bodybuilder.At 19 years old, Dev is 33 inches tall and weighs only 9kg. 250 grams (20.4 pounds). He has trained as a body builder and has a chest measurement of 20 inches.Romeo trains at the Leo Health Club in Phagwara, India and his trainer is the health club owner Ranjit Pal 'Mr. Punjab'
for more news..click here
signing out , have a nice day peeps =))
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