life been really busy for me nowdays , i miss those time to really hang out and stuff like REALLY going to spend time jalan jalan , shopping and stuff ... now whenever i have my rest day i will be like doing my assignments or go work...awww man , i sound like a workaholic .. everytime i tell ppl my time table the they will be like - "wah liao , you crazy ar ? studyin and working then u got ballet classes somemore " .. dont know lar..all i was thinking of is to earn money and work i DO SOUND like a workaholic eh ...oh damn..anyway , enough of my complaining ...
so today is LABOUR DAY ... so.... labour day lar.. tomorrow got college somemore... sigh,aku beh tahan lar...
and i was reading the news online...BUT was on malaysian papers before lar..i read news one okay..=))
Can 'Tree Man' Be Saved?

Dede Koswara, popularly known across Indonesia as "Tree Man," has been living in a tropical hospital for months, where a team of doctors has been sawing away at the barklike growths that have slowly encased his entire body.
Dede, 35, with gnarled growths sprouting from his hands and feet, sits in front of his house in the village of Tanjung Jaya, West Java province, November 21, 2007. Dede hopes a doctor in the United States will be able to treat the horn-like extensions that started appearing on his body when he was a teenager and which earned him the "tree man" moniker.
"This is the most remarkable case, the most severe case, I have seen in my career," said American doctor Anthony Gaspari at a news conference in Bandung, about a two-hour drive from capital city Jakarta.
For Dede (who is known by his first name), what started as a simple wart on his knee as a teenager spiraled his life out of control when it became infected. Treelike growths gradually spread all over his legs, arms, chest and face.
He became physically unable to do basic functions and everyday tasks.
As a result of his condition, Dede lost his job, and his wife left him. He moved in with his parents and has been supported by extended family. His two kids often visit him at the hospital.
Tumor Consumes Man's Face for More Than 35 Years

Jose Mestre has spent the majority of his life slowly disappearing underneath a massive 12-pound facial deformation, which has now rendered him not only blind in one eye but virtually unrecognizable.
Mestre, who is featured on the Discovery Channel's upcoming "My Shocking Story" series, was born with a vascular malformation on his lip. Now 51, Mestre, who lives in Lisbon, Portugal, is wrestling with the decision of how to treat the facial growth, which up until now Discovery says was never removed due to medical misinformation, misdiagnosis, financial problems and religious beliefs.
i'm speechles...more medical marvels news will be blogging about ...
signing out , have a nice day peeps =))
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