Tuesday, 14 June 2011

The heartbroken ninja

Today i got up feeling a lil lightheaded , obviously is from all the hectic schedules and late night sleeps, blame it all back to myself. I haven't been working for the past two weekends though, the odd feeling when i wake up realizing i don't have any job and i just crash back to bed till the afternoon sun starts heating up my room and burns my lazy fat ass. If only i can declare holiday today, at this instant moment - right .

Have you ever just stare up the sky and streetlights shines through the shades of leaves piercing through the dark skies , feeling all melancholy and the corner of your head starts playing imaginary sad songs, visualizing fearsome rain start pouring right unto your face, tiny drops of tears starts rolling down those pink cheeks of yours. This is the moment where i shall now let out a huge sigh and not further this post anymore. This time i blame the rain for making me feel so gloomy - HA ! Because i'm awesome just like that . Kay bye !

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